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Friday, May 1, 2009

Sexy Agnes Monica

Agnes Monica started her career at the age of 6 years as a troubadour cilik. Agnes has released the album as much as 3 children, namely Si cat, Yess and Bala-bala. Album-album success melejitkan name Agnes Monica in the string to the troubadour's most popular children in the late 1990s. In addition. Agnes is also a presenter at the event children VAN (Video Anak Anteve), Tralala-Trilili in RCTI and Diva Romeo in Trans TV. In 1999 Agnes Panasonic Awards received an award as presenter of children terfavorit.

Turn age 15 years, Agnes began to plunge into the world with star sinetron akting Early Marriage. Sinetron successful toss this in the name Agnes stage entertainment industry. Through this sinetron, Agnes successful fruit whip 4 awards, the Drama and Most Popular Actress at the event Terfavorit Panasonic Awards in 2001 and 2002. Early Marriage Success Agnes make the name be.

In 2006, Agnes syuting involved in the serial drama entitled The Asian Hospital in Taiwan, where Agnes akting compete with Jerry Yan, one of the personnel F4. Agnes also participated in the serial syuting Romance in The White House, where Agnes serial in this play is only a few episodes only. The second series has been running in Indosiar. In the local version, the opening and ending in such a way to edit the scene that involves inserting Agnes. For the Taiwanese drama fans, it is considered to be forced. Agnes in accordance with the ambition to "go international", in the year 2006 Agnes decided to break from the total activity course at the University of Pelita Harapan, Department of Law.

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